Thursday, July 31, 2014

7 Ways to Facilitate Successful Team Meetings for Writing BSPs (FREEBIE!)

Thanks to Melonhedz, Lovin' Lit, and
I Teach What's Your Superpower for images
Whew! What a crazy time of year--gotta love (or not) the beginning of school. I know for some of you it's still a ways off, but for all my friends in the South it's coming sooner rather than later. And I'm trying to get some new products up and ready for the new year (and the big TPT sale--more later) and helping my consulting client districts get their classrooms set up. And, oh yeah, all my graduate students have been very busy over the summer--which keeps me busy. In all of that, I know you probably think I forgot about the behavior series, but I promise I didn't! So this is the next in the series. Last time I talked about the reasons why behavior support plans should be created by a team. Today I want to talk about how to help that team meeting go smoothly and be productive--and not be a giant time suck that we all know meetings can become. Hey, I sit in meetings for a living (it seems that way sometimes) when I would much rather be in a classroom helping a teacher. I know how they can meander and not get you where you want to go. So, here are some tips to prevent that and get to a successful behavior plan.