Sunday, August 31, 2014

5 Ways to Prep Students to Prevent Challenging Behavior: Antecedent Strategies

To read more of the series on challenging behavior click HERE.

So, in this post I want to finish up talking about antecedent strategies by talking about ways to prepare a student prior to a situation that may be related to challenging behavior so that the student can get through the activity productively and without difficulty. Sometimes preparing someone before they have to manage a difficult situation can help them manage their behavior. Think of it as when you remind your significant other that we decided to try not to argue with the in-laws during the dinner tonight. We all do it, it's just a matter of making the preparation clear and meaningful for our students--and planning the time to be able to do it. Here are some ways that we can prepare students to help their behavior be more successful.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

6 Ways to Change Task Presentation to Prevent Challenging Behavior: Antecedent Strategies

To check out the rest of this series on 5 Steps to Meaningful Behavioral Support, click HERE.

If this series proves nothing else, it is that addressing and preventing challenging behavior is a complex, complicated, long job...and it is. But there are some things you can do that will prevent challenging behaviors just in the way you present tasks to students. These will work well if you have a student whose FBA showed that the behavior served to escape from demands from staff or parents. Essentially these are strategies that will lessen the student's negative response to task demands by making them easier, more interesting, and/or more palatable in some way so they are more likely to comply. And let's face it, increased compliance, and decreased challenging behavior is a win-win for you and the student. So, let's look at some strategies.


Thursday, August 21, 2014

3 Ways to Adjust the Physical Space to Prevent Challenging Behavior

If you are looking for the special education blog hop and the freebies and giveaway, click HERE.

Today I am continuing with the antecedent strategies for preventing challenging behavior in step 4 of 5 Steps to Meaningful Behavioral Support. To see the rest of the series click HERE.

Sometimes, preventing challenging behavior can be as simple as changing around the furniture. And sometimes it helps to have the furniture you need. Since many of us are setting up classrooms for the school year, today I want to talk about how the physical arrangement of the environment can affect challenging behaviors.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We Love Special Education Teachers!!! Blog Hop & Giveaway!!

I am super excited about this week! So much is going on! First we have this awesome giveaway and tomorrow is a TPT one-day boost sale!! Whoo hoo! I am particularly excited about this post because this is a blog hop designed and brought to you exclusively for special education. So often we have to adapt or choose the things that will work for our classrooms, but not this time. This time the freebies and the giveaways are JUST FOR Special Educators. That's not to say that others can't use them-because we special educators know that everything we do can be effective for all students, not just special education. So, let's show them how it's done! Check out the awesome giveaways below (I have one in each age group because you know how important I think it is for all ages to have cool learning stuff! Then check out the freebies at the end of the post and hop over to the next blog for more freebies--rinse and repeat 24 times!


Friday, August 15, 2014

5 Types and Functions of Visual Supports--Antecedent Interventions for Behavioral Support

In continuing the series 5 Steps to Meaningful Behavioral Support, we are on Step 4 of creating the behavior plan and choosing interventions. Remembering that our interventions must match our hypotheses, one of the first sets of strategies we use are often referred to as antecedent interventions because they address the antecedents to the challenging behavior based on your FBA. As you will remember (or click here to be reminded), one of the huge advantages of using a function-based approach to behavior support is that you can address behaviors before they happen to avoid them all together through prevention. So, today I'm going to talk about some of the more common antecedent strategies we might use.

Sunday, August 10, 2014

Addressing Setting Events in Meaningful Behavioral Support

Do you remember that I was doing a series on behavioral support? Yea, well I feel like you must think I forgot about the most important part--INTERVENTION! What good does it do to complete a killer FBA if we don't have rockin' interventions that actually reduce challenging behavior?? So, no, I have not forgotten...just got a bit distracted. But now we shall continue. If you want to catch the rest of the series, you can do that HERE.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

August Workbasket Wednesday Linkup

It's hard to believe, but it's that time again.....time for the monthly Workbasket Wednesday Linkup! That time when I go back into my vault and try to find pictures of workbaskets I've collected over the years to share. And then I throw it out there for the month for other bloggers (and nonbloggers) to link up with pictures of their newest or favorite classic work baskets. And then we all get to see them and share ideas--and you know me--I'm all about sharing! So, here we go--see the link directions at the end of this post.

Sunday, August 3, 2014

Schedule Bundles, What's In Your Cart? and a Sale....Oh My!

Wow! I can't believe it's already time for back to school, but next week I will be helping teachers set up their classrooms and be there on the first day of school for one of the districts I work with. Whether you are back in school, on your way back to school or still enjoying your summer, you know you are thinking about ways to organize your classroom. To help with that, I've created some new products that might be helpful. And what's better? It's all on sale with the big TPT Back to School Sale on August 4 and 5 (Monday and Tuesday). So I've linked up with Speech Room News for her great What's In Your Cart Linky to share more details about my Chevron Autism Classroom Visual Bundles that you might like and to share what I have in my cart (which usually gives you a sneak peek of what is coming your way in my store).