Tuesday, August 19, 2014

We Love Special Education Teachers!!! Blog Hop & Giveaway!!

I am super excited about this week! So much is going on! First we have this awesome giveaway and tomorrow is a TPT one-day boost sale!! Whoo hoo! I am particularly excited about this post because this is a blog hop designed and brought to you exclusively for special education. So often we have to adapt or choose the things that will work for our classrooms, but not this time. This time the freebies and the giveaways are JUST FOR Special Educators. That's not to say that others can't use them-because we special educators know that everything we do can be effective for all students, not just special education. So, let's show them how it's done! Check out the awesome giveaways below (I have one in each age group because you know how important I think it is for all ages to have cool learning stuff! Then check out the freebies at the end of the post and hop over to the next blog for more freebies--rinse and repeat 24 times!


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