Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Drowning in Internet Information: OCALICON 2014 Presentation

Wow, I am currently at the OCALI Conference in Columbus, OH and it's a good thing I own warm clothes! I don't know how you northerners do it!! It's freezing here! Today, Susan Kabot and I presented to a great group on strategies and resources for making sense of all the information that is out there about autism. Just trying to keep up is more than a full-time job with new "scientific" information coming out every minute and everyone claiming to be a scientifically based program. I had mentioned the talk on Facebook and said I would share the handout here after the presentation. If you attended the presentation and want to download the handout, just zip to the bottom of the page where I've placed the link. If you weren't able to attend, let me share just a couple of thoughts about the topic so that the handout will be understandable.

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