Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Workbasket Wednesday-December 2014 edition

Wow, time flies! I can't believe it's that time again--time for Workbasket Wednesday's link up. If you want to link up, see the directions and the linkup at the end of this post.

This one is going to be short and sweet as I'm exhausted. Between the sale (thanks for everyone's support who buys something from my store!), this cold, the blog hop, Thanksgiving, and traveling, I'm exhausted. December is a crazy month but I have so many ideas for freebies and other stuff running through my head. If I can stop needing to actually sleep, look for a few surprises in the next few weeks.

This month I thought I'd shake it up a bit and talk about system setups. If you go to the link at the top of the blog on Structured Work Systems, you will see guidelines for this, but I often get asked about how to store and keep all the tasks straight. I also get asked about how to know which tasks to use for which students. I wanted to share some pictures of a system that I think worked beautifully for a high school classroom in Cookeville, TN. I've used this system in a lot of classes and there are some things I love about it that I'll share as well.

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