Sunday, January 4, 2015

Teaching Kids to Play With Toys: A Review of the Toybox Tools by Hasbro

Wow, I can't believe that winter break is over for most of us! Time for back to reality. I really meant to do this post well before the holiday but reality factored in a bit with a few other responsibilities. However, I wanted to make sure that folks didn't miss this amazing resource that is now available through Hasbro for teaching children (with autism as well as others who need assistance) to play with toys.

Let me be clear that Hasbro has not given or offered me anything to review their site. I happened to be present when they launched the program at the OCALICON in Ohio in November and was really excited by the idea. In looking at the site I'm even more excited by the possibilities. So, this is just a review to share with you the FREE resources available through the site and highlight some of the things I like and things I hope to see in the future from the group.

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