Monday, February 23, 2015

Special Educators Are Heroes SALE LinkUp

special educators are HEROES TPT SALE
I am so excited that Teachers Pay Teachers have announced a 1-day site-wide sale. The theme of the sale is Teachers Are Heroes! Well, duh! We knew that, didn't we?

You know that I think ALL educators are heroes, from teachers, to related service providers, to administrators and paraprofessionals. General education and special education. Every day, educators do more with less to provide life-changing experiences to their students. That's a hero!

To help you out in finding sellers specializing in special education, a group of special educators--the same group that is bringing you the February Blog Hop (see the graphic at the top of the blog all month for freebies)--wanted to bring all the sellers in special education together in one place. If you want to link up as a seller, jump to the bottom of this post.

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