Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Workbasket Wednesday-September 2014 Edition: Quick and Easy Tasks

Welcome to Workbasket Wednesday! This is a time for us to all indulge our love for work tasks that work in independent structured work systems and capitalize on the visual strengths of many of our students to address their need to learn to work independently, maintain learned skills and generalize their skills across different materials. If you want to link up, see the end of the post for directions and the link up. If you don't have a blog, you can link up as well by leaving photos in the comments or messaging them to me on Facebook and I'll share them.

Since we just started September, many of you have just started back to school while others have been back in the classroom long enough to get to know your students. So, I thought today, I would focus on tasks that are fast and easy to set up so you can expand your work tasks quickly.


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